We’re a Palmerston North based firm of Chartered Accountants, of many years standing, that prides itself in looking after and providing all the necessary accounting and tax solutions to a large and valued client base.
Building a prominent and well respected firm has resulted from us ensuring our clients are the primary focus, creating lasting relationships and always encouraging an ease of communication between us.
We want our clients to understand the financial status of their affairs, so always put in the extra effort to explain their financial results, their impact and the disciplines that are needed to succeed.
Above all, we at A R Short & Co have a passion for the work we do, so really appreciate being entrusted with the responsibility to look after our clients’ business accounting, technology and taxation requirements.
ASHLEY SHORT is a Chartered Accountant with a life time of experience in accounting, taxation and business advisory, is the Principal and driving force of this firm since it commenced in December 1991. The fantastic array of clients that have been amassed is a testament to the commitment, energy and passion that Ashley shows for all clients.
CARY DAVIS is a Chartered Accountant of many years standing who holds a degree in Accounting and also Law, specialising in tax and general business accounting, having earlier held senior tax advisory positions with prominent national NZ firms.
SALESH RANCHHOD is a Chartered Accountant, holding a Bachelor of Business Studies degree from Massey University and has seven years experience in accounting. Salesh has acquired an in depth knowledge on all accounting systems, provides ongoing support to a wide client base and enjoys managing the accounting affairs of the large corporate clients.
SARAH ZHONG is an Associate Chartered Accountant, holding a Bachelor degree in Business Studies from Massey University and has 12 years experience in accounting. Sarah provides general accounting services to a wide range of clients, is responsible for monitoring our tax return filing percentages and checks all tax assessments and ensures all tax payment letters are sent to clients. Sarah also speaks fluent Mandarin so is a great help to our growing client base from the Chinese community.
ROSCOE LETHABY is an Associate Chartered Accountant, holding a Bachelor of Business Studies from Massey University and has 14 years experience in accounting. While Roscoe provides general business accounting for a wide range of clients, he is developing a specialty interest in the rural sector.
RUTH McINTOSH is a Chartered Accountant holding a Master of Business Studies that has many years experience in accounting and education but her true love is in the field of education, training and inspiring the new accountants of the future. Ruth contracts to us as required to assist on taxation advisory, international financial reporting standards and accounting and tax work flow management.
GARETH MALLETT is an Accountant who holds a Bachelor degree in Business Studies from Massey University and is currently studying for the final qualifying exams to become a Chartered Accountant. Gareth has three years experience in accounting to date and a fast growing knowledge of general business accounting and is building strong relationships with the clients he manages.
FAYE BRAJEVICH is a Chartered Accountant that has emigrated from South Africa, to join our firm. We met Faye early in 2019 when she was in NZ looking for job opportunities, so when a vacancy arose recently we were delighted to have secured her services. Faye has an in depth knowledge in multi corporate accounting which has proven to be hugely beneficial to our wide client base.
RACHEL GRULKE is our receptionist/administrator with 10+ years experience in managing our firm’s front desk, after allowing for a two year maternity break to welcome her daughter into her family. All clients speak well of Rachel which follows on from her friendliness and willingness to always help clients with their enquiries.

We work with you throughout the year which can include taking care of your GST return filing, providing tax advice guidance to minimise UOMI and LPP that can be imposed by IRD, then finalise the years work by preparing your end of year financials, reviewing your trading results and filing all tax returns and reporting to you.

We want you to succeed and achieve your business aspirations so work with you to ensure that the planning necessary is put in place and your progress is measured along the way. This can involve cash flow forecasting, period reporting actuals to budget, succession planning, business valuation advice, becoming a valued business advisor for all your bank and capital requirements.

We are experts on taxation and can provide solutions to all tax questions you might have. As well, we look to minimise your tax liabilities by maximising the savings that are available. We represent you as your tax agent in all dealings with the IRD, so you can with confidence leave all your tax management to us.

Company and Trust Administration
We take care of all your company and trust administration, incorporating new companies when needed, maintaining all statutory registers and minute books, and completing all company and trust resolutions for signing as required.

General Business Advice
We are here to help you in any way we can, which can include providing as little or as much support as needed to assist you in processing your bank transactions, managing your overheads, adhering to pre-set budgets, keeping up to date with IRD filing and payments, preparing your payroll and attending to pay day filing and periodic reporting to help you track how the year is progressing financially rather than encounter any surprises when too late.

Embracing Technology
We are able to help you find the most appropriate business software solutions, are accredited advisors of Xero, MYOB, Reckon, Moneyworks and other accounting applications, can recommend, assist with installation and provide the much needed hands on training to ensure that you can fully operate any new system with ease.

P: (06) 356 2026
F: (06) 356 2027
Level One
38 The Square
PO Box 844
Palmerston North 4440